ACM Computing Classification System

The ACM Computing Classification System is a subject classification system for computer science devised by the Association for Computing Machinery. The system is comparable to the Mathematics Subject Classification in scope, aims and structure, being used by the various ACM journals to organise subjects by area.



The system has gone through six revisions, the first version being published in 1964, and revised versions appearing in 1982, 1983, 1987, 1991, and the now current version in 1998.


The ACM Computing Classification System is hierarchically structured in four levels: three outer levels, coded by capital letters and numbers, and an uncoded fourth level of subject descriptors. Thus, for example, one branch of the hierarchy contains

I. Computing Methodologies, which contains:
I.2 Artificial Intelligence, which contains:
I.2.4 Knowledge representation formalisms and methods, which contains:
Temporal logic.

Each top-level category has two standard subcategories: "general", coded with a "0", and "miscellaneous", coded with a "m". For instance, I.0 denotes the "general" subcategory of Computing Methodologies, while I.m denotes its miscellaneous subcategory. Several subtopics are listed as uncoded subject descriptors in these standard subcategories.

See also


External links